
A simple gas-liquid chromatographic procedure for analyzing ethanol, acetic acid, acetoin, and racemic and meso-2,3-butylene glycol in broth media is described. Overnight broth cultures were filtered or centrifuged, and the filtrate or supernatant was treated with formic acid to aid separation of volatile fatty acids. Samples were then directly analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography on a 20% Tween 80-Chromosorb W-AW column and propionic acid as an internal standard. A complete analysis took ca. 8 min. The method can be used to distinguish homofermentative from heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria based on the level of ethanol produced and citrate-utilizing from non-citrate-utilizing lactic acid bacteria based on the levels of acetic acid produced. The method also has potential in distinguishing other bacterial fermentations. Of the 13 species of lactic acid bacteria tested, Streptococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis was the major producer of 2,3-butylene glycol (total range, 0.3 to 3.5 mM), and, except for strain DRC1, both the racemic and meso isomers were produced in approximately equal amounts.

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