
Purpose of the article. The article considers topical issues of the introduction of electronic information resources in the field of health care of Ukraine. Scientific research analyzes the most common forms of application of e-documents in the medical field, namely: concluding an e-declaration with a family doctor, online registration with a doctor, video consultations with a doctor, e-register of insulin-dependent patients, electronic medical card, e-medical program Baby, e-hospital, creating a patient profile, electronic card of a pregnant woman. The author also investigates the economic effect of the introduction of various types of electronic services that are becoming widespread in domestic medicine. The methodology includes the use of the descriptive method, method of analysis, and synthesis to identify the significance of the use of electronic information resources in the medical field. The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive characterization of most typical forms of e-documents used in the modern Ukrainian medical field. Conclusions. A detailed analysis of the term "e-health" proves that it has been actively used in practice since the beginning of the XXI century. Much earlier, the concept of "e-document" entered the practice of European and American physicians, but in recent years in connection with medical reform is becoming popular in Ukraine. The development of information technology significantly changes the process of providing medical services, reorienting the activities of medical institutions to patient-centered care. The use of electronic information resources in the health care system has a number of advantages associated with saving time, a significant increase in the pace of service delivery, the inclusion of cost reductions, and so on. In addition, the ability to communicate with the patient through the media significantly reduces the need for forced travel, which is extremely important in a COVID-19 pandemic. The introduction of electronic documents makes it impossible to forge and falsify them. Electronic service in the medical field of Ukraine has wide prospects for the introduction of its new forms.


  • У науковій розвідці аналізуються найбільш поширені нині форми застосування е-документів у медичній сфері, а саме: укладання е-декларації із сімейним лікарем, онлайн-запис до лікаря, відеоконсультації з лікарем, е-реєстр інсулінозалежних пацієнтів, електронна медична карта, програма е-Малятко, е-лікарняний, створення профілю пацієнта, електронної карти вагітної жінки

  • The methodology includes the use of the descriptive method, method of analysis, and synthesis to identify the significance of the use of electronic information resources in the medical field

  • The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive characterization of most typical forms of e-documents used in the modern Ukrainian medical field

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ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ЕЛЕКТРОННИХ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНИХ РЕСУРСІВ У СФЕРІ ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ’Я УКРАЇНИ У статті розглядаються актуальні питання впровадження електронних інформаційних ресурсів у сферу охорони здоров’я України. Використання електронних інформаційних ресурсів в системі охорони здоров’я має низку переваг, пов’язаних з економією часу, значним зростанням темпів надання послуг, включенням скорочення витрат тощо.

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