
ON the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Safety in Coal Mines, the Secretary for Mines has appointed a Committee with the following terms of reference: “To be a committee to consider, in the light of experience and modern practice, what amendments are required in the General Regulations governing the use of electricity below ground and above ground at mines under the Coal Mines Act, 1911, taking into consideration the report of the Royal Commission on Safety in Coal Mines and the evidence on the subject submitted to that Commission”. The following are members of the Committee: Prof. W. Cramp, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Birmingham (chairman); Mr. J. A. B. Horsley, H.M. Electrical Inspector of Mines; Mr. A. M. Bell and Mr. A. B. Connell. The secretary to the Committee is Mr. R. Crawford, Mines Department, Mill House, 87-89 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.I.

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