
Newspapers are an important source of information as they contain a broad range of news on all subjects and activities. It plays an important role in the dissemination of information and encourages reading habits, underscoring the responsibilities of citizenship. Newspapers also help students to improve their thinking and observation skills and promote imagination. Newspapers also have a major role in formulating and shaping public opinion. Newspapers contribute very largely in education for the above end. This study is focused on the use of educational supplements of Malayalam newspapers among the secondary school students in Calicut district. The study covered three secondary schools-one Government, one aided and one unaided school. The sample is selected using a random sampling method. 200 questionnaires were distributed among them. From the studyit is evident that students of secondary school students are aware ofeducational supplements. All of them used educational supplements as a part of their study. Majority of the students use educational supplements for preparing their class projects, seminars, assignments and also for doing extracurricular activities. In this sense, an educational supplement is an effective and attractive learning tool in the new educational system.

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