
The article examines the problematic aspects of the absence in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation of securing the possibility of conducting investigative actions with children using remote technologies. The concepts of video technology, video communication, its basics, video conferencing and web conferencing are studied. The author analyzes the legislation of such foreign countries as Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Moldova. The positive and negative aspects of consolidating video technologies in criminal proceedings are high-lighted. The author proposes to supplement the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation with a rule on the possibility of conducting investigative actions with minors, regardless of their procedural status, through the use of both video conferencing and web conferences. It is possible to expand the digital format of investigative actions and include in it, for example, checking evidence on the spot, an investigative experiment, resolving petitions and complaints, as well as filing charges, familiarizing with the materials of a criminal case, etc.

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