
ABSTRACT Development of a reservoir simulation model involves collection and analysis of an enormous amount of reservoir and well data for initial input. Computer graphics is the most effective tool for geologists and engineers to visualize, verify, and analyze the input data. After each simulation run, simulation engineers then have to depend heavily on computer graphics to analyze an even more intimidating amount of simulation results data. This is especially true at Saudi Aramco because of the large simulation models used to simulate the world's largest hydrocarbon reservoirs. Saudi Aramco's EXPEC Computer Center supports a wide spectrum of computer graphics applications to aid the exploration and engineering staffs through the entire cycle of reservoir characterization. The graphics applications help during the pre-simulation model data analysis as well as in the post-simulation results analysis. Larger and more accurate simulation models are currently being developed In Saudi Aramco. Computer technology (both software and hardware) needs to advance continually such that computer graphics can be utilized as an effective and efficient engineering tool by reservoir simulation professionals. This paper addresses Saudi Aramco's experience in dealing with very large simulation models and using computer graphics as an engineering tool. The program efficiency, device dependence, and data management problems will be discussed. The computer speed, data storage and access methods, data transmission speed, and graphics devices will also be detailed.

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