
Purpose: Cell phone has become an important part of our lives. Everyone owns a cell phonewhether it is a child or an elder. Cell phones can perform almost every operation related to workoranything.Itisavailableforindividualsatanyplaceortime.Themainpurposeofourstudywasto find out how smart phones and their wide mix of features, have been making an impact on thesociety in case of their real-life interactions. It’s important to find out what’s the link between thesmartphonesandsocialinteractions.
 Methodology:Thestudyincludeda12-questionsurveythataskedquestionsif the participants own a cell phone, about participants’ daily use of smartphones, including thehoursspentusingthem.Therewere26participantsinthestudy,amongthem50%weremalesand50%were females.The data obtainedfrom the surveywerecompiledintopie-charts.
 Findings: The following conclusions were developed based on our research. The participants from age group between 16 and 20 are most affected socially with the use of cell phones. The participants from young age group have more daily usage of cell phones as compared to the elderly ones. The individuals from young age group mostly use smart phones as their means of entertainment while the elders use it for work and communication purpose. Most of the individuals think that cell phone has made their life easier.
 Implications: The advancement of mobile technology has many uses but at the same time has been limiting individual’s ability because people totally rely on technology instead of challenging their brain.

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