
The calculated complex sound field cj for sensor j at depth zj and range rj from a sound source of frequency ω and depth z0 can be written in the normal mode as cj = (2π/rj)1/2 ∑ m Um(z0)Um(zj) exp[(kmrj − ωt)]. Here, km is the horizontal wavenumber of mode m and Um is the depth function for the mth mode. It is proposed that the detection factor DF = ∑ j=1J ∑ k=1≠jJ cjck* 〈(cj0ck0*)*〉 is a reasonable measure for determination of whether a set of sound pressure measurements {cj0} for j = 1, 2, …, J is a good fit to calculated values of {cj} for an assumed location of the sound source. Here 〈〉 denotes a time average and * denotes complex conjugate. Several examples are shown where a set of {cj0} are calculated for a given source location in a typical shallow water channel, and values of DF are then calculated for a grid of range depth or range azimuth locations.

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