
Fat fixation is a key step in filling tear trough depression with inferior eyelid orbital septum fat. The ideal position for inferior eyelid fat fixation is to cross the tear trough ligament causing tear trough depression and the orbicularis retaining ligament, with the distal end fixed at the farthest end of the dissected lacuna deep down the inferior orbicularis oculi muscle. Traditional suturing is difficult in the deep narrow lacunae, but a buried guide needle can be used to suture and fix the fat in the deepest lacuna. In this study, 264 patients who underwent tear trough filling using a buried guide needle to fix the released inferior eyelid orbital septum fat from 2017 to 2020 were followed up. The preoperative and postoperative imaging findings were compared to evaluate the effectiveness of the operation and postoperative complications. The inferior eyelid bulging, loose skin, and tear trough depression significantly improved than that before the operation. None of the patients had any severe complications, such as inferior eyelid ectropion, lagophthalmos, scar hyperplasia, and diplopia, in the long term (6 months) postoperatively. Five patients showed mild eyelid-eyeball separation and recovered in 1 month. Four patients had diplopia, and 3 patients had chemosis; all recovered in 7 days. The tear trough depression was not corrected completely in 2 patients. The operation showed satisfactory results in the improvement of tear trough depression in addition to alleviation of inferior eyelid bulging and loose inferior eyelid skin that is caused by the traditional inferior eyelid pouch removal.

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