
CHERNICK et al. (1948) have reported on the pancreatic enlargement in chicks fed raw soybean meal. Reviews on various aspects of this problem have since been made by Liener (1958), Cravens and Sipos (1958) and more recently Anonymous (1964).In a previous report from this laboratory (Arscott, 1963) the adverse effects on growth from feeding barley to chicks and the beneficial effects from the use of low levels of corn and/or amylolytic enzymes have been noted. This paper reports on the pancreatic enlargement observed concurrently with the feeding of high barley containing rations to chicks. PROCEDUREDuplicate lots of 12 day-old broiler-type chicks equalized for sex were raised to 4 weeks of age in batteries equipped with raised wire floors, continuous flow waterers and sub-floor electric heaters. In the first 3 experiments broiler chicks which were the result of mating White Vantress males with Nichols 108 females were used. In…

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