
This article strives to provide research findings and implications for the use of assistive technologies (AT) for students with visual and hearing impairments. First, the common challenges associated with visual and hearing impairments in students while learning languages, and the process of fitting AT to this category of students have been discussed. The research was focused on AT for language learning, reading, writing. Assistive technology items have been grouped according to whether they enhances the visual or hearing capabilities of students with disabilities. Assistive technologies for students with visual impairments and blindness have been united in assistive technologies for reading (technologies that enhance sight capabilities, technologies that engage senses and abilities other than sight literature), assistive technologies for writing (technologies that enhance sight capabilities, technologies that engage senses and abilities other than sight); assistive technologies for students with hearing impairments (amplification devices, telecommunication device for the deaf, frequency-modulated amplification systems.
 Based on principles of organization of language education in the system of language policy in the USA, the importance of English learning for students with visual and hearing disabilities in the USA has been grounded. Areas for future research of assistive technologies for students with visual and hearing impairments and the value of research findings to optimizing the education and development of students have been shown as a great need for continued work in these areas.

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