
Reading is the most important skill that every child needs to develop at school. Children who do not have good reading skills at elementary level are more likely to have limited educational progress, limited economic opportunities, and poor development in the future.Traditional tests and assessments are lacking in this respect, because they grade pupils, based on overall score, rather than identifying the areas for improvement in order to assist teachers in more efficient planning of teaching curriculum. There is a need for a simple tool to provide pupils with various components of reading at their level. In this, the first steps are recognition of the letters of alphabet, reading of simple words, and understanding the structure of sentences and paragraphs.This present work uses the Research in Action method to analyze the subject of using assessment for improving reading instructions for early grade pupils. The EGRA instrument, which does not provide a total result, assesses various skills and treats each skill separately. There are no overall results for EGRA, as it tests individuals. Testing of a child takes approximately 10-12 minutes. The teacher can administer various combinations of subtests, depending on their judgement on pupils’ needs. Results of every task are characterized, based on the findings related to the pupil’s needs. This depends on whether the pupil is a “good reader”, progressing well, or is “at risk” of failing in reading.Research was conducted in the city of Prizren, Republic of Kosova, at the Primary and Lower Secondary School (PLSS) of “Emin Duraku”, class II-3. Five pupils were involved, led by the author, as teacher of this class.The research was conducted in cooperation with school management, teachers, and parents of the pupils involved. The collection of data was implemented within three weeks.It is expected that this research will have positive effects on improving the results of children that find reading difficult, as well as the professional development of teachers.This research was carried out for use in professional and scientific literature, and from the field of assessment and reading, and applying adequate scientific methods.


  • Besides writing, speaking, and listening, reading is a very important activity; it is the main source of knowledge, interconnection, and communication tool

  • The reading holds a special place in programs for subjects of reading and literature in school

  • It includes understanding the direct meaning of signs, otherwise reading these columns would be practically impossible

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Besides writing, speaking, and listening, reading is a very important activity; it is the main source of knowledge, interconnection, and communication tool. The reading holds a special place in programs for subjects of reading and literature in school. It is necessary for teachers to know the process of reading, and teach effectively, to enable pupils to become sound readers throughout their. To read means to form a direct meaning from that written “to read with eyes”. A simple experiment, for example, is to place several words into two columns, which involves short words (3 to 5 letters) in the first, and long words (10 to 12 letters) in the second, and have an the reading time of each. The time it takes for a reader to read each column is the same. It includes understanding the direct meaning of signs, otherwise reading these columns would be practically impossible

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