
The article highlights the peculiarities of teaching medical students the basics of "Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety" using andragogic models of the educational process and interactive principles of learning, such as dialogic interaction, cooperation and collaboration, active-role (playing) participation, as well as organization of training to improve communication skills in combating bad habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Aim. To reveal the possibilities of andragogical methods of teaching "Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety" in considering the issues of bioethical aspects of health, the formation of a professional approach and critical attitude of medical students to bad habits, motivation for a healthy lifestyle.Conclusion. The introduction of interactive methods of andragogy in the educational process deepens the knowledge and forms skills of medical students in the educational component "Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety", actualizes the problem of bad habits as a leading threat to health, promotes awareness of the role of future health professionals in promoting healthy lifestyle on the ground of knowledge and bioethical approaches to the factors of negative and positive effects on health.


  • The health of today's students, and especially future doctors, is an indicator of public health in 10-30 years

  • Since the health of the nation is considered as the main criterion of civilization of the state, the improvement of bioethical competence in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is especially important

  • For Ukraine, the main problem related to the future of the state is to preserve and strengthen the health of student youth, the development of sustainable social guidelines for awareness of the need for a healthy lifestyle

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Problems of higher medical education

The introduction of interactive methods of andragogy in the educational process deepens the knowledge and forms skills of medical students in the educational component "Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety", actualizes the problem of bad habits as a leading threat to health, promotes awareness of the role of future health professionals in promoting healthy lifestyle on the ground of knowledge and bioethical approaches to the factors of negative and positive effects on health. Впровадження в навчальний процес інтерактивних методів андрагогіки поглиблює знання та формує вміння студентів-медиків з освітньої компоненти "Основи біоетики та біобезпеки", актуалізує проблему шкідливих звичок як провідних факторів загрози здоров’ю, сприяє усвідомленню ролі майбутніх медичних працівників у пропаганді здорового способу життя на підґрунті наукових знань і біоетичних підходів до чинників негативних і позитивних впливів на стан здоров’я

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