
In this article, Sue Woodward, Christine Norton and Louise Barriball report on a service evaluation audit which was conducted to determine the prevalence of CAM use among patients attending a specialist NHS biofeedback service, to identify their perceptions of CAM and to assess their preparedness to use complimentary therapies within the department. Over a six-month period, patients were asked to complete an audit questionnaire while waiting for their appointments. Ninety three questionnaires were completed and returned by individuals during this time. Sixty three respondents (68%) had used CAM previously or were current users, and respondents reported using a total of 21 different complementary and alternative therapies for their bowel and/or other health problems. Herbal medicine was the most commonly used therapy for bowel problems (29%). Both positive and negative drivers for CAM use were identifed. This audit reveals that CAM use is common in patients with functional bowel disorders.

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