
The results of long-term research on the influence of main indicators on their agro-resource potential are summarized on gray forest soils of the upper Volga region. For the conditions of the Vladimir Opolie, the probable yield of biomass and the main products of field crops were calculated at different coefficients ofphotosynthetic active radiation (FAR) use. Calculations of the main product yields are made taking into account the distribution of biomass to by-products and crop-root residues. For field crops of the studied crop rotations, the coefficients of precipitation utilization are estimated. They varied from 44 to 71%, depending on the crop rotation culture. On the slope of the southern exposure when cultivating winter cereals and perennial grasses, the main moisture losses were observed in the spring during snowmelt, when growing spring crops and potatoes, they were close in the autumn and spring periods. The sizes of moisture use by crops depending on the fertilizer systems for the creation of 1 C of grain units (g.u.) and from sub-arable layers are determined. In comparison with the liming background, the use of organic fertilizers reduced the water consumption coefficient from 9.6 to 8.5 mm/C g.u., their combination with a single dose of NPK - up to 7.3, and with a double dose - up to 6.8 mm / C g.u. Based on the amount of moisture used by crops, their possible yields are calculated. In spring crops, the amount of precipitation consumed (326-356 mm) corresponds to the use of 2.7-3% of the FAR and provides 54-60 C/ha of grain, in winter rye and wheat - about 4% of the FAR (yield 71-80 C/ha). In perennial grasses for 2 mowing, the moisture consumed is enough to use about 3% of the FAR., in potatoes -1.5%.

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