
Background: Understanding the role of nonphysicians in Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) completion is limited. Objectives: To examine the role that nurse practitioners (NPs) play in POLST completion and differences between NPs and physicians in POLST orders. Design: Retrospective observational study. Setting/Subjects: A total of 3829 POLST forms submitted to the West Virginia (WV) e-Directive Registry between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019, which was completed by 98 NPs and 511 physicians. Measurements: POLST forms completed and orders in POLST Section A and Section B by all physicians and NPs according to practice (primary care, palliative care, hospital, and nursing home) and by palliative care physicians and NPs only. Results: NPs completed almost twice as many forms on average as physicians (9.54 ± 20.82 vs. 5.66 ± 17.18, p = 0.0064). NPs constituted 16.10% (98/609) of the clinicians writing POLST forms but completed 24.40% (935/3829) of the forms (p < 0.001). Compared with physicians' orders, a greater percentage of NP's orders was for do-not-resuscitate in Section A (87.20% vs. 72.60%, p < 0.001) and comfort measures in Section B (42.90% vs. 33.10%, p < 0.001). There was a greater percentage of NPs in palliative care practice than physicians (23.50% vs. 6.07%, p < 0.001), and palliative care NPs completed 64.20% (600/935) of the forms submitted by NPs compared with palliative care physicians who completed 17.90% (517/2894) of the forms submitted by physicians (p < 0.001). Conclusions: In WV, physician and NP POLST completion differs based on practice. NPs completed significantly more POLST forms on average and more often ordered comfort measures. NPs can play a significant role in POLST completion.

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