
This report presents an easydevice that can be designed as a continuous suctiondrainage system for especially small surgical wounds inthe region of face, head, and neck using a sterile plastictube,arollerclamp,andasterileurogelreservoir(Fig1).A plastic tube with appropriate thickness is con-nected to the reservoir (Fig 2). When required, 3 or 4holes can be punched at the end of the tube where itwill be inserted into the wound. The tube prepared ispassed into the surgical wound through a separate inci-sion until all holes are inside the surgical wound andfixedinplacebyastaysuturetotheskin.Then,negativepressure is applied to the reservoir, and the surgicalwound is closed. When the reservoir is filled with thedraining fluid, to maintain effective suction drainage ofthesurgicalwound,therollerclampislocked.Later,thereservoir is evacuated, and the roller clamp is opened.This simple mini-vacuum drainage device is a veryeffective and simple method of closed-vacuum drainageinsmallsurgicalwounds,especiallyintheregionofface,head, and neck. It is easy to prepare and enables effec-tive drainage of the wound. We use it routinely in allsmall surgical wounds. We recommend the use of thissimple and cheap method in small wounds or whereconsidered appropriate.

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