
Abstract Context—Tumors of the head and neck commonly arise from the squamous and respiratory mucosa that lines the nasal and oral cavity, sinuses, pharynx, and larynx. The rate of oropharyngeal cancers diagnosed among Americans younger than 50 years is increasing. Infection of the oropharynx and tonsils by the human papillomavirus (HPV) has been linked to preneoplasia and cancer. Objectives—To evaluate the Roche Linear Array HPV Genotyping test kit to identify, and then specifically genotype, HPV in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Design—We evaluated the performance of this assay for accuracy, for intra-assay and interassay precision, and for its limit of detection, using materials with known HPV status. Sixteen tumor tissues with the following origins were evaluated: 1 ocular, 1 hypopharynx, 8 tonsil, 1 retromolar trigone, 3 tongue, 1 anal, and 1 lymph node. DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor sections was isolated and amplified in duplicate, with positive and negative controls, ...

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