
Abstract Organic waste disposals are a valuable food source for vultures. However, some negative collateral effects may result from their use. I documented Andean Condors' (Vultur gryphus) use of a feeding station, which was established in central Chile to reduce risks associated with condors' use of landfills. I also evaluated the changes in that use over time. The feeding station was in place between 2010 and 2016, from July to December, which are the months with the lowest food availability and the highest presence of condors at the landfill. Between 2010 and 2012, the daily maximum abundances were 85, 72, and 82 condors each respective year. In 2013, the daily maximum abundance peaked at 146 condors, but abundance subsequently decreased until 2016, possibly due to the availability of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) carcasses associated with an outbreak of myxomatosis. The abundance of the four sex/age classes was highest for immature females, followed by adult females, immature males, and adult males. This contrasts with counts in areas not associated with a predictable source of food, where adult males are the most numerous (Pavez and Estades (2016), Journal of Raptor Research 50:23–32). The high proportion of immature females at the feeding station may reflect a feeding strategy that compensates for their lower social status and foraging effectiveness. Given the current situation in Chile, with the reduction of natural food sources and subsequent increasing use of landfills by condors, it is important to evaluate the use of feeding stations as a management tool during certain times and places.

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