
Dentigerous cyst is the second most common developmental odontogenic cyst affecting 0.91-7.3% of population and always associated with an impacted tooth. They are commonly found associated with the lower third molars followed by the upper canines, lower premolars, and upper third molars.The current treatment protocol for treatment is surgical enucleation or marsupialization followed by surgical enucleation with extraction of an associated tooth. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an industrial revolution, in which 3D models of any object are constructed using images obtained via MRI and CT. The procedure uses materials like plastic or metal, which are deposited layer by layer to prepare model. In the medicine, 3D printing has been growing from assistance in diagnosis to surgical applications and used widely for replacement of malfunctioning tissues and organs, customization of prosthesis, manufacturing of surgical implants and anatomical models for surgical diagnosis and planning.This case report highlights the effective usage of 3D printing as an aid in the surgical removal of dentigerous cyst and impacted canine in mandibular anterior region.

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