
The reutilization in agriculture of the sludge produced in the chemical treatment of sewage is investigated. Aluminium sulfate (50 mg/l) and sodium hydroxide (50 and 200 mg/l) are added to domestic sewage allowing it to settle and eliminating floating materials. Three kinds of raw chemical sludge are digested and dried. Their sanitary quality is determined by two bacterial indicators (total and fecal coliforms) and one viral indicator (E. coli bacteriophage) and the fertilizing capability of digested and dry sludge by sowing leguminous crops (Phaseolus spp ) in soil with 11 tons/ha sludge application rate. Digested and dried sludge from conventional treatment in equal conditions to those of chemical sludge is used as reference. Sanitary quality results show that raw and digested chemical sludge are not recommended for use in agriculture due to their high microbiological contamination. Dry sludge could be considered for this purpose due to its low fecal organisms content. However the development of leguminous crops in soil with dry aluminium sludge application shows no seed germination. The results of leguminous growth in digested sludge of sodium hydroxide (200 mg/l) justify an additional treatment to adequate its sanitary quality for use in agriculture.

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