
Increased resistance to adverse factors, including the radiation – an important factor in maintaining the health and productivity of animals in remote period after the accident. Therefore it is important to develop tools and methods to enhance natural resistance and immune status of the animals kept in contaminated areas.
 At the moment not enough information on the impact of adaptogens on natural resistance and reproductive ability of farm animals in the chronic effect of small doses of radiation and especially with regard to territorial characteristics. The purpose of research was to study the possibility of using adaptogens to improve resistance and reproductive ability of cows in the area of radioactive contamination in remote period after the accident in terms of Kiev Polissya.
 Research adaptogens action on the state of natural resistance and reproductive ability of cattle in the remote period after the accident was studied in stock of dairy cows in the Agricultural production cooperative «Mriya» Ivankivsky district Kyiv region (third zone of radioactive contamination). According to the principle par-analogues was formed groups of cows Ukrainian black and white dairy cattle (62 heads). In the experiment studied radiological features welfare of cows, their overall performance and physiological state resistance.
 As used adaptogens: еleutherococcus, and trіvit tetravit.
 Efficacy was assessed by drugs hematologic indices Independence period. Monitored the course of generations, postnatal period, as the udder. To reveal hidden pathological processes conducted laboratory tests of milk sexual heat slime, postnatal excretion. Determination of radioactive contamination of water, feed conducted by generally accepted methods. Biometric data processing, obtained during the investigations carried out by M.A. Plohynskym and using the computer program Microsoft Excel 2010.
 In the Agricultural production cooperative «Mriya» Loose cows kept on deep litter of straw. Soil contamination 82,2 ± 10,14 kBq / m2. Total activity diet of 3450 Bq / day. In analyzing the morphological blood parameters of cows, found that the number of red blood cells and white blood cells in the control and experimental groups within physiological norms.
 In the leukocyte formula cows all groups, certain types of leukocytes, with the exception of young forms of neutrophils, were within physiological norms or at their lower limit. Number of young neutrophils constitute 2,0-5,3% After applying Eleutherococcus young eosinophils decreased by 50.9% tetravit - by 58.8%; tryvitu - were left unchanged. "Shift left" core neutrophils can be seen as a manifestation of lack of usefulness of the hematopoietic system. This kind of physiological miyelopoyezu irritation that is caused by a violation of neurohumoral regulations in the body.
 In the analysis of biochemical blood parameters of cows, cows significant differences in the experimental and control groups is not installed. Indicators were at the lower border of physiological norm, carotene was lower third of the index rules.
 When used Eleutherococcus Independence period was 88,3 ± 2,03, tryvitu-85,4 ± 6,20, tetravit – 55,8 ± 7,87 days. The difference between control and experimental groups was, respectively, 4.7, 24.1 and 38 days. That application tryvitu and tetravit Independence period decreased to 1-1,8 sexual cycle.
 All animals as experimental and control groups provided obstetric aid. Reproductive system disease diagnosed in all groups, the application of adaptogens their number decreased by 10-20%.
 Conclusions. The use of adaptogens positive impact on the performance of natural resistance and reproductive ability of cows.
 Based on the research we can conclude that the use of adaptogens enhances natural resistance performance, and improved reproductive capacity of animals.



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Корівники Вигульні майданчики Пасовища

Забруднення основних кормів 137Cs, Бк/кг Сіно Солома Соковиті корми Концентровані корми Пасовищна трава Сумарна активність раціону, Бк/добу Забрудненість підстилки Прижиттєве радіаційне забруднення - корів дослідної групи. Вплив адаптогенів на імунобіологічні показники крові корів. При аналізі морфологічних показників крові корів, встановлено, що кількість еритроцитів і лейкоцитів в контрольних і дослідних групах знаходиться в межах фізіологічних норм При аналізі морфологічних показників крові корів, встановлено, що кількість еритроцитів і лейкоцитів в контрольних і дослідних групах знаходиться в межах фізіологічних норм (табл. 2)

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