
Liquid nitrogen fertilizers are, per unit of N, generally cheaper than granulated ammonium nitrate because of lower production costs. Although very corrosive, the storage and handling of liquid nitrogen fertilizers does not usually present any problems. The applicability and efficiency of a commercial liquid nitrogen fertilizer (containing 39% N, half urea and half ammonium nitrate) on grassland was investigated in comparison with granulated ammonium nitrate (27% N). The liquid nitrogen fertilizer was applied on continuously grazed paddocks without any repercussions for animal health. No scorching was observed provided that certain measures were adopted while spraying the fertilizer: i.e. little dilution with water, use of low pressure and large droplets and application on dry grass in cloudy whether. In comparison with the granulated ammonium nitrate, the liquid nitrogen fertilizer was less efficient; dry matter yield and N-uptake of the grass treated with the liquid nitrogen fertilizer were 76% and 73% respectively of the dry matter yield and N-uptake of the grass treated with the granulated ammonium nitrate fertilizer.

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