
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the expediency of directing the computer-oriented learning environment to the formation of communicative competence of the future graduate of the higher education institutions. The forms of work of the university lecturer with students in the direction of formation of the communicative educational environment are described, on the example of the use of computer-based learning tools of the Moodle platform, in the process of teaching the “Philosophy” course. The following research methods are used: pedagogical observation, monitoring, analysis, generalization, concretization, systematization. The scientific novelty of the research is to study the communicative capabilities of the Moodle learning platform, ways of using them in teaching the “Philosophy” course in the university in order to form the communicative competence of future graduates and highlight the relevant experience of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (KNUC&A) in attracting them to work with students. The necessity of the formation of communicative competence as the basic integral characteristic of the person, the direction of educational and training activity of the university of any profile in this direction is substantiated. It is demonstrated that the subject content of the “Philosophy” course provides the formation of communicative competence at the theoretical and practical levels. It has been studied out that Moodle platform helps to create an integrated learning environment with well-established interaction of all participants, to form the communicative competence of future graduates.
 Keywords: competency approach; communicative competence; computer-oriented learning environment; Moodle platform; empathic relationships; dialogic educational model; teaching the “Philosophy” course; educational experience of KNUC&A.

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