
Cartographic symbols evoke certain psychological associations regarding phenomena, objects and the interrelation between them in the imagination of the cartographic models’ user. Different associations depend on the person’s memory, as it is a general complex of cognitive characteristics and higher psychological functions that relate to the accumulation, storage and reproduction of knowledge and skills. In the formation of a generalized image of cartographic models in users of different levels of development and consciousness, there are different levels of application of the principle of associativity in the design of cartographic symbols. This is due to such features as age groups of users, the disclosure of thematic areas of cartographic models, and so on. The purpose of this article lies in grounding the application of the associativity principle, which is one of the main principles of cartographic symbols’ design, taking into account diff erences in the levels of users’ comprehension and consciousness, outlining topic-oriented maps, etc. Main material. When designing cartographic symbols, a number of diff erent principles have to be followed. One of them is the principle of associativity. When applying it, there have to be considered the associations of the cartographic object and their corresponding graphic depiction on the cartographic product. Such technique is called the principle of associations and stereotypes or the principle of associativity. The notion of association is widely used in psychology and philosophy and means psychological connections, i.e. the connections between the phenomena when one of them causes simultaneous appearance of others. The age, education, etc., are the factors that can infl uence the level of associativity. The article outlines the ways of the application the associativity principle in the development and design of a cartographic symbol. It also examines various cartographic methods and techniques that are used to achieve the associativity of symbols. Conclusions. The associativity principle in the cartographic symbols’ design is an important element of the qualitative creating and using of cartographic models. The study of the associativity principle is relevant and vital scientifi c branch which can greatly improve and perfect the cartographic models.

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