
At present, mathematical methods are becoming a necessary tool for geological research. Computer processing of geological data is widely used in modern methods of studying the oil and gas content of the subsoil. Therefore, the description of the structures as possible oil and gas traps, we conducted as an analysis of their quantitative parameters, which allowed to substantiate certain established patterns. In order to identify patterns in the relationships between the numerical parameters of folded structures, we conducted computer geological and statistical modeling of the studied objects of the Boryslav-Pokutska zone using correlation and cluster analysis. In general, correlation analysis allows the analysis of a set of defined quantities and is aimed at identifying and studying the systems that form some of the quantities included in this set. Classification of any objects by content groups is carried out by the method of cluster analysis. A large volume of quantitative indicators has been developed to model the processes that have formed local structures and to determine the patterns of their distribution. Quantitative indicators can be used to evaluate the results of studies of the distribution of tectonic stresses and strains, which will contribute to a more reliable prediction of oil and gas potential. In turn, this will significantly increase the geological efficiency of oil and gas exploration in the areas of the Boryslav-Pokutska zone of the Pre-Carpathian Foredeep. The modern shape of structures and their spatial location is a consequence of tectonic forces over a fairly long period of geological time. Different manifestations of tectogenesis activity in different epochs cause certain changes in the structural plan of geological bodies and thus affect their possible oil and gas potential (formation, disintegration and reshaping of traps and, accordingly, deposits). The structures of the Boryslav-Pokutska zone have undergone a complex and long path of formation: from sedimentary flysch folds to very complex post-sedimentary structural forms, which is due to the influence of the magnitude and nature of the application of formative tectonic forces. Under the influence of tectonic forces of different nature, various morphological structural forms were formed. The morphological varieties of structures can be described by numerical parameters, which can be used as a basis for the classification of structures of the Boryslav-Pokutska zone.

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