
A study was conducted on the effect of increasing doses (0, 20, 40, 60 kg of application rate /ha) of mineral fertilizers on yield and grain quality of Kamashevskiyspring barley variety. The study was carried outin a long-term stationary plot of Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin in a five-field grain fallow crop rotation according to the following scheme: green manure fallow - winter wheat - spring wheat - soybean - barley in 2018-2021. In case of increase of mineral fertilizer doses, the yield increased by 15.5-21.6% compared to the variant without fertilization. It was established that the maximum barley yield was 3.84 t/ha on average for 4 years, it was obtained when mineral fertilizer was applied at a dose of 60 kg of a.r. / ha, whereas the yield of the control variant was 3.01 t/ha. Studies revealed that application of mineral fertilizer for spring barley led to a significant increase of proteincumulation. The maximum was noted when azophoska was used at a dose of 60 kg/ha of a.r. in all years of research (243–611 kg/ha). The removal of nutrients with barley grain was calculated. As for N60P60K60 variant, the removal was: nitrogen - 707 kg/ha, phosphorus - 369, potassium - 238 kg/ha. The article shows the influence of meteorological conditions on barley yield. The regression equations for dependence of protein content on various doses of mineral fertilizer and moisture supply, which were formed during research years in the heading-full ripeness period, were calculated. According to the regression equations, the protein content in barley grain was determined by 57% by the level of mineral nutrition and by 6% by the hydrothermal conditions of the year.

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