
The purpose of the article: to consider aspects of the use of digital resources in the process of learning a foreign language by students of «Applied Linguistics» specialty. Research methods: analysis and generalization of pedagogical literature; theoretical generalization. The objective processes of the formation of Ukrainian society determine the search for effective ways to improve the quality of the educational process. In addition to professional competencies, which include a certain set of abilities and skills, a modern specialist by the state educational standards is to master one of the foreign languages and properly apply it in professional activities. The level of students` mastery of a foreign language directly depends on effective teaching methods and the use of information technologies. The use of information and digital technologies increases students` interest in learning and contributes to the growth of their motivation to learn a foreign language. We consider various aspects of the use of digital resources, such as mobile applications, virtual platforms, and online resources, as well as evaluate their impact on learning and the development of students' communication skills. The analysis is focused on revealing the advantages and possible challenges that accompany the use of digital tools in the study of foreign languages in this specialty. We explore how these tools can support and facilitate learning, looking in particular at their potential for interactive learning, self-directed learning, and student engagement. At the same time, we analyze possible challenges, such as the availability of technology, the need to train educators, and possible limitations associated with the use of digital tools in the educational process.

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