
Maxim is one of the online transportation services in Indonesia. Based on the feedback provided by users on the App Store and Google Play store, there are still shortcomings, such as the application often having errors when used, GPS accuracy is not precise, and the system feeling difficult when canceling orders. Based on these problems, usability testing is needed. The method used in this research is usability testing based on the standard Nielsen Model conducted by five respondents. In this study, the Usability System Scale questionnaire was also filled in to get the satisfaction value carried out by 100 respondents using Maxim. The usability test results show that the respondents complained that the payment methods were not varied and there was no customer service chat. This usability test gives results on each indicator: the learnability value of 92%, the efficiency value of 0.42 goals/sec, the error value of 0.1, and the satisfaction value of 57.2.

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