
This study explores the effect of using different visual information overlays and guiding arrows on a machine operation task with an optical see-through head-mounted display (OST-HMD). Thirty-four participants were recruited in the experiment. The independent variables included visual information mode (text, animation, and mixed text and animation) and the use of guiding arrows (with and without arrows). In addition, gender difference was also an objective of this study. The task performance indicators were determined based on task completion time and error counts as well as subjective measures (system usability scale, NASA task load index, and immersion scale). This study used the mixed analysis of variance design to evaluate the main and interaction effects. The results showed that males performed better when using the mixed text and animation mode. Females performed better when using the text mode. In addition, using the mixed text and animation mode demonstrated the best outcome in system usability scale and NASA task load index. For the use of guiding arrows, the task completion time was reduced and the system usability scale, NASA task load index, and immersion scale showed positive effects.

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