
An unreported disease cluster occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. The disease was named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) by the World Health Organization (WHO). The transmission of Covid-19 from human to human occurs through coughing/sneezing (drops). Indonesia has Covid-19 cases that are increasing every day. By July 14, 2021, it is counting up to 2,670,046 cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia. This causes Indonesia to become the country with the highest number of Covid-19 cases in Southeast Asia. In dealing with this case, the government has provided various methods to detect the Covid-19 virus in humans, but it has not been able to provide satisfactory results. This is caused by the delay in the detection of the diagnosis given. The delay was due to the limited testing capacity provided. Thus, to help improve patient test results, a CT scan tool is used. The Covid-19 Diagnose System University of Mataram is a system designed to facilitate the process of identifying Covid-19 patients through chest X-rays by applying the CNN model for classification. To find out the system is suitable for the use by end-users, it is necessary to test the usability of the application using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. The System Usability Scale is used because this method focuses on the end-user. Therefore, this research was made to find out whether the application that has been made (the Covid-19 Diagnose System University of Mataram) can be accepted by users or not. To test the feasibility of this application, it needs to test its usability with the SUS instrument. Testing with SUS has been done using 10 statements of SUS. The test shows the score of SUS is 71.38. It means that the application is acceptable to be used by end users and classified into grade C with a good rating

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