
Introduction. The personality of any US president due to his enormous constitutional authority and the place in the government structure of the country has always been considered extremely significant, even if in reality he did not quite measure up to the high moral and political criteria that both voters and the international community wanted him to meet.Materials and methods. Various scientific methods such as comparative-legal, systemic and a number of others form the methodological and research basis of the article.Results of the study. The US President, who is also the head of the Federal Government, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the US Navy is not only the first executive person of the country, but also the leader of one of the two leading political parties with enormous political and moral impact on the whole country, and the entire world community. During his term in office as President of the United States, all America and the whole world watch him on television, read and hear about him almost daily. To some extent he sets standards for men’s official fashion and behavior in society and in the family, he is a epitome of virtue and justice. How successful he is in this capacity is another question, but the fact is that the world community discusses his actions, words and behavior, wants to be like him or, on the contrary, criticizes him and does not agree with him, and this is an undeniable fact.Discussion and conclusion. With the date of the next presidential elections approaching and especially in the midst of the presidential campaign a large number of popular scientific and other publications are published in the United States and around the world on the institution of the US Presidency, its amazing stability and the ability to effectively lead the most dynamic branch of the three powers provided by the US Constitution the executive power.


  • Роберт Енгибарян*История США – это не только история самой страны, но и история отдельно взятых президентов, многие из которых оставили глубокий след в мировой истории,такие как Джордж Вашингтон, Авраам Линкольн, Вудро Вильсон, Франклин Рузвельт и другие

  • The personality of any US president due to his enormous constitutional authority and the place in the government structure of the country has always been considered extremely significant, even if in reality he did not quite measure up to the high moral and political criteria that both voters and the international community wanted him to meet

  • The US President, who is the head of the Federal Government, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the US Navy is the first executive person of the country, and the leader of one of the two leading political parties with enormous political and moral impact on the whole country, and the entire world community. During his term in office as President of the United States, all America and the whole world watch him on television, read and hear about him almost daily

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Роберт Енгибарян*

История США – это не только история самой страны, но и история отдельно взятых президентов, многие из которых оставили глубокий след в мировой истории,такие как Джордж Вашингтон, Авраам Линкольн, Вудро Вильсон, Франклин Рузвельт и другие. Именно так поступил ушедший президент Барак Обама, оставив после себя как никогда расово расколотую страну и убежденность черного населения в том, что они имеют преференции по отношению ко всем остальным и, более того, имеют право получить пожизненную ренту. Что исполнительный указ в отличие от закона, может быть отменен последующей администрацией и, так как Обама злоупотреблял этим своим правом (в среднем в год он издавал до 40 исполнительных указов), Трамп выбрал этот путь и почти за год своего президентства издал более 50 исполнительных указов, что больше чем у какого -либо президента.

Materials and methods
Discussion and conclusion
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