
In 1998, Tampa Bay Water, the largest wholesale water provider in South East USA with over 2.3 million customers, assumed the role of planning, developing, and operating water supply sources from six local water supply utilities through an Interlocal Agreement. Under the agreement, cities and counties served by the agency would have their water supply demands met unequivocally and share the cost of delivery and/or development of new supplies based on their consumption, allowing a more holistic approach to manage resources in the region. Consequently, the agency was able to plan and execute several components of its Long-Term Master Water Plan to meet the region’s demand, as well as diversify its sources of water supply. Today, the agency manages a diverse and regionally interconnected water supply system that includes 13 wellfields, two surface water supply sources, off-site reservoir storage, a sea water desalination plant, a surface water treatment plant, and 14 pumping/booster stations. It delivers water through 390 km of large diameter pipe to 19 potable water connections.It uses state-of-the-practice computer tools to manage short and long-term operations and planning. As a result, after the agency’s inception, groundwater pumpage was reduced by more than half in less than a decade—by far one of the largest cutback and smaller groundwater utilization rate compared to other utilities in Florida or elsewhere. The region was able to witness a remarkable recovery in lake and wetland water levels through the agency’s use of this diverse mix of supply sources. For example, in the last three years, 45–65% of water supply came from groundwater sources, 35–45% from surface water sources and 1–9% from desalinated seawater—very different from 100% groundwater only supply just few years ago. As an “on demand” wholesale water provider, the agency forecasts water supply availability and expected water demands from seasonal to decadal time frames using a suite of forecasting tools and a structured decision-making process. This paper presents a case study of the approach taken by Tampa Bay Water to meet the region’s growing water demands while satisfying other competing objectives in a sustainable fashion and documents the remarkable environmental improvement observed in the area.

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