
Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Beijing Jiaotong University & Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning; Tsinghua University; 100044; Haidian District; Beijing; ShuangQing road; PH (86)-10-51683919; FAX (86)-10-81738142;email: yvnan@sohu.com 2 Beijing Subway Design Research Center; Jishuitan road; Xicheng district,Beijing (86) 10-62292455; FAX (999) 777-6667; email: kanghaiyan12@sohu.com 1 Abstract The paper discusses how to consider URT (urban-rail-transit) actively and synthetically in big cities’ planning. It introduces how to optimize the constructions of URT and land use together in a joint development system. It is illustrated with the project of Yizhuang’s TOD case to explain how to carry out a completely TOD plan. 2 Introduction The joint development of URT and land use provide a chance to solve problems of big cites synthetically, because URT construction is not only convenient for people’s travel, but also benefit for control urban sprawl, reduce traffic jam, improve inhabitant and ecosystem. The key to realize it depends on full acknowledgement of URT and its influence on urban land use. All the things including rail track alignment, stations locations, configurations of rail and the forms of urban rail complexion should be fully considered in TOD (transit oriented development) principle, which can influence urban planning greatly and benefit for urban development and URT construction either 3 Puzzled big cities and URT’s influence on land use 3.1 The problems of traffic, land use and environment caused by urban sprawl of big cities In the past two decades, with the stimulation of economy, the populations and building constructions of many big cities of Asia increased very fast, such as Beijing & Shanghai, which lead to the crazy expansion of urban areas (figure 1). With urban sprawl and the increasing automobiles, more traffic jams and constantly traffic accidents disturb everyone’s life. Even City efficiencies are halted by them. In this period, people’s living standard and the ecosystem also decline very fast. For example, it becomes more inconveniently for people to go working or return home because they have to spend long time in everyday commuting, some service facilities for of suburb inhabitants are not adequately configured. Traffic pollutions and the heat island phenomena are getting more serious for urban inhabitation.

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