
The uropygial gland is an organ exclusive of birds that secretes an oily substance, the uropygial secretion, the functions of which are still debated. One of the proposed hypothesis is its possible action against chewing lice (order Phthiraptera), a group of avian ectoparasites that feed on feathers, causing different types of harm. However, this hypothesis lacks support. The present study analyses the relationship between uropygial gland size and the number of feather holes (which is correlated with the load of chewing lice) in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Moreover, the relationship between the uropygial gland size and different aspects of sparrow health (body condition, immunocompetence and haematocrit), as well as sexually selected traits in males (badge and wingbar size), is tested. The results show a negative correlation between uropygial gland size and number of feather holes, a result found both years of the study. This result supports the hypothesis that uropygial secretion is used against chewing lice. Uropygial gland size also correlated positively with body condition (residuals of body mass relative to tarsus length) and immunocompetence, being therefore related to bird health. After a year in captivity, with resources provided ad libitum, no correlation was found between individual uropygial gland size and body condition or haematocrit, perhaps because the negative effect that chewing lice exert on bird health was offset by captivity conditions. Uropygial gland size was not correlated with badge size, but it was correlated with wingbar size, which furthermore supports the contention that this sexually selected signal acts as an indicator of lice resistance in the house sparrow. In summary, this study supports the idea of a positive relationship between uropygial gland and bird health in the house sparrow, the gland secretion affording resistance against chewing lice.

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