
Abstract A description is provided for Uromyces decoratus . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On Crotalaria juncea, C. maxillaris, C. medicapinea, C. retusa and C. vitatoni . Also by inoculation on C. pumila, C. shrica and C. verrucosa (Josh), 1960). Aecial hosts include Euphorbia, Euphorbia nicaeensis, Dianthus, Saponaria ocymoides and Tunica prolifera . DISEASE: Rust of Sunn hemp. All parts of the plant above ground, stems, leaves, petioles and fruits are liable to attack. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa (Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Rhodesia, S. Africa, Tanzania, Zambia); Asia (Ceylon, China, Formosa, India, Israel, Japan, Russia, Turkey), Europe (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Rumania, Yugoslavia); N. America (Alaska, Canada, U.S.A.); S. America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela); W. Indies (Jamaica); Australasia, (Australia, New Zealand). TRANSMISSION: By urediospores through contact with man and his implements. The spread of this rust from one country to another has been attributed to the introduction of imported carnation from infected areas. It is said to have been introduced into Great Britain on imported carnation in 1890. So far the aecidium has not been known outside Europe and the rust maintains itself in the uredial state. Tests carried out have shown that urediospores can remain viable for a period of 185 days (4: 122).

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