
Abstract A description is provided for Uromyces appendiculatus . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On Dolichos, Phaseolus and Vigna species. DISEASE: Rust on leaves of French, Lima, and Scarlet Runner beans, and other Phaseolus spp., and cowpeas. The reddish-brown, circular sori may be surrounded by a yellow halo in some varieties. Complete defoliation and total loss of crop results in seasons favouring severe infection. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: World-wide wherever beans are grown (CMI Map 290, Ed. 2, 1964). TRANSMISSION: By urediospores disseminated by wind, and through contact with animals including man and his implements. Indirect evidence of the possibility of introduction into Sierra Leone on seed imported from Ghana and S. Africa has been given by Deighton (25: 253). Some 40% of urediospores stored for 2 yr. at -60°C, and 16% stored more than 600 days at -18°C, have survived with virulence unimpaired, and it is thought that the rust is thus able to overwinter on bean trash and trellis poles in the United States (42: 167; 43, 299).

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