
Uroguanylin (UGN) is a 16 amino acid peptide produced mainly by intestinal epithelial cells. Nutrients intake increases circulating levels of prouroguanylin that is processed and converted to UGN to activate the guanylyl cyclase 2C receptor (GUCY2C). Given that the UGN-GUCY2C system has been proposed as a novel gut-brain endocrine axis regulating energy balance, the aim of the present study was to investigate the regulation of UGN protein levels in duodenum and circulating levels in lean and obese mice under different nutritional conditions and its potential interaction with leptin. Swiss, C57BL/6 wild-type and ob/ob male adult mice under different nutritional conditions were used: fed ad libitum standard diet (control); 48 h fasting (fasted); 48 h fasting followed by 24 h of feeding (refed); and fed high-fat diet (45 %) during 10 weeks. In addition, peripheral leptin administration was performed. Intestinal uroguanylin expression was studied by Western blot analysis; plasma levels were measured by ELISA. Food deprivation significantly reduced plasma UGN levels, which were correlated with the lower protein levels of UGN in duodenum. These effects were reverted after refeeding and leptin challenge. Consistently, in ob/ob mice UGN expression was decreased, whereas leptin treatment up-regulated UGN levels in duodenum in these genetically modified mice compared to WT. Diet-induced obese mice displayed increased UGN levels in intestine and plasma in comparison with lean mice. Our findings suggest that UGN levels are correlated with energy balance status and that the regulation of UGN by nutritional status is leptin-dependent.

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