
The most accurate tools that are available for the investigation of the lower female urinary tract in those with voiding dysfunction include a history, physical examination and urodynamic studies. Urodynamic studies have become more and more sophisticated over the last few years. These studies include filling cystometrogram(CMG), pressure flow studies, electromyography(EMG) studies, urethral pressure profile(UPP) studies, Valsalva leak point pressure (VLPP) and video or fluoroscopic urodynamics. All these studies can be done at one sitting to give us the most accurate assessment of a female patient’s lower urinary tract function. This information, however, must be used in conjunction with the patient’s clinical symptoms and treatment should not be based solely on the urodynamic findings. Lastly, not every female patient with a lower urinary tract problem not requires urodynamic investigation. These sophisticated studies should be generally reserved for patients with complex problems and those who have failed therapy.

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