
Questions1. What are the most striking clinical and laboratory findingsin these patients?2. Why is it important to assess pregnancy status?3. What are some of the causes of false-positive serum andurine pregnancy tests?4. How would you rule out human or technical error as a possiblecause of a false-positive or -negative urine pregnancy test?5. What can cause discordances between urine and serum hCGtest results?6. What is the most likely diagnosis for these patients?7. What is the clinical significance of a false-positive urinepregnancy test?8. Are serum hCG tests unaffected by factors that can causefalse-positive test results?Possible Answers1. The most striking laboratory findings in both of thesepatients was a positive urine pregnancy test in patients who,based on their medical history (data not shown), were not ex-pected to have a positive urine hCG pregnancy test.2. Determination of pregnancy status is important in thework-up of a woman presenting with vaginal bleeding or lowerabdominal pain. Women with these symptoms should bescreened for pregnancy using a urine pregnancy test, especiallyprior to undergoing an x-ray procedure. Clinical decisions re-garding additional diagnostic testing should be based on the re-sults of the urine pregnancy test and knowledge of thoseconditions that can cause false-positive screening tests for humanchorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine and serum, includingthe presence of serum human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA)and diseases (eg, colon or cervical cancer) associated with excre-tion of hCG into the urine.3. A number of preanalytical conditions, other than preg-nancy, including trophoblastic disease and certain non-trophoblastic neoplasms (eg, testicular tumors, prostate cancer,breast cancer, and lung cancer), can cause elevated serum levelsof hCG that are then excreted into the urine.

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