
Alkyl lead species, particularly tetraethyllead (TEL) have been used as antiknock agents in gasoline for more than 50 years through out the world (Caplun et al 1984). Then TEL was realized as a very toxic compound causing severe psychotic disorders and also as a main source of lead contamination in urban metropolitan areas. Thus, lead content in gasoline in USA declined sharply since 1975 and the western world followed this reduction a few years later (Shy 1990). Although only lead free gasoline may/now be used as an automobile fuel in the USA, leaded gasoline is still used in many countries including Turkey. In Turkey lead content have been reduced to 0.15 g/l in normal gasoline and to 0.4 g/l in super gasoline after 1988. It is also planned to produce unleaded super gasoline beginning from 1998 and only one type of unleaded gasoline after 2003 (TUPRAS 1994).

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