
Urinary excretion of DA, DOPAC, 3-MT, HVA, NMA, MA, VMA and 5-HIAA were studied in 33 parkinsonian patients treated with 1.5-7.5 g of levodopa daily for up to six months and in 30 patients receiving levodopa (800-1,000 mg) combined with a dopa decarboxylase inhibitor, benserazide (200-250 mg). Basal urinary excretions were within normal limits except for that of 3-MT which was significantly lower in parkinsonian patients as compared to controls. Levodopa induced an increase of about 400 fold in urinary DA; DOPAC was increased about 300 fold, 3-MT only about 70 fold, but HVA about 300 fold. Urinary NMA and MA did not change but VMA was increased significantly. On the other hand, urinary 5-HIAA was significantly decreased. The amounts of excreted DA and its subsequent metabolities were increased with the continuation of treatment, suggesting inductive phenomena in enzyme systems. During combined treatment with levodopa and benserazide urinary DA was increased, but only to about one tenth the extent seen with levodopa alone. The excretion of DOPAC was about one 20th, of 3-MT about one fourth and of HVA one 25th that seen during levodopa treatment. No signs of enzyme induction were seen. NMA was lowered significantly but MA remained unchanged. VMA was increased and significantly more than during therapy with levodopa alone. 5-HIAA was again significantly decreased and the decrease was significantly greater than that seen with levodopa alone. Some statistically significant correlations were seen between the excretions of NMA, MA and VMA and cardiovascular side effects, indicating an affection on the NA-ergic system by levodopa treatment. Significant correlation between 5-HIAA excretion and clinical improvement of tremor during levodopa treatment may suggest that participation of 5-HT in the mechanism of tremor.

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