
The presentation of the material could have been better organized. The text begins with an appropriate review ofthe pelvic anatomy (one of the outstanding chapters in the book), followed by a chapter on reduction of maternal injuries associated with childbirth. The next few chapters discuss appropriate selection of operative procedures. The eighth chapter reviews instruments and sutures, and the ninth is devoted to minor ambulatory operations. These last two chapters should be located either at the beginning or at the end of the text, rather than in the middle of the material on basic vaginal procedures. Similarly, the chapters on urinary incontinence belong in the same section as those on diverticulum and fistula formation of the urinary tract, and the chapters devoted to lacerations of the perineum should be grouped with those that address rectovaginal fistula and retrorectal levatorplasty. The chapter that reviews operations for stress incontinence is incomplete, and only 4 of the 44 references were published during the past 10 years. In contrast, the chapter on vaginal hysterectomy is outstanding, including excellent illustrations and numerous points that reflect the vast experience of the authors. Alternative means of morcellating a large uterus are well illustrated, and a thorough discussion of appropriate reconstruction of the pelvis is presented. Dr. Nichols is known worldwide for his revival of the technique of sacrospinous ligament fixation for massive inversion of the vagina. The color illustrations of this procedure clearly demonstrate the placement of this suture within the ligament. The authors emphasize practical points that will help ensure excellent results and minimize potential complications. The chapters devoted to urethral diverticuIurn and vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistulas are well illustrated and informative. The section on creation of a neovagina is thorough, but the McIndoe procedure is inadequately illustrated and incompletely reviewed. The bibliographies in these chapters are incomplete. In general, this is a well-written, easy to read text. Because it covers areas that are often poorly understood by clinicians, I recommend it Mayo Cltn Proc, June 1990, Vol 65

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