
We assessed the pharmacokinetics of aluminoxamine and ferrioxamine in dogs with sustained intermittent bile duct ligation and either normal renal function or stable chronic renal failure. A first group of male beagle dogs were given aluminoxamine and ferrioxamine, while a second group received desferrioxamine after loading them with iron and aluminum. Only minute amounts of ferrioxamine and aluminoxamine were found in the bile after administration of these compounds. The distribution volume of aluminoxamine and ferrioxamine appeared to be confined to the extracellular space and their renal excretion correlated with renal function. Administration of desferrioxamine to iron and aluminum-loaded dogs resulted in an increased biliary ferrioxamine but negligible aluminoxamine excretion. Renal clearance of the in vivo formed ferrioxamine and aluminoxamine in this group strongly correlated with renal function. Our observations indicate that biliary excretion of intravenously administered ferrioxamine and aluminoxamine is negligible even in renal failure. The data presented in this study provide indirect evidence that desferrioxamine administration to iron- and aluminum-loaded dogs results in the intra-hepatic formation of ferrioxamine which is partly excreted in the bile. Biliary excretion of aluminoxamine after desferrioxamine administration remained negligible.

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