
Based upon a systematic chemical study, a new method is presented for quantitative estimation of acid mucopolysaccharides in human urine. It is shown that cetyltrimethylammonium bromide selectively precipitates uromucoid and acid mucopolysaccharides from human urine. From an estimation of fucose, hexosamine and uronic acid in the precipitate it is possible from the known fucose/hexosamine ratio of uromucoid to estimate the hexosamine value of the precipitated mucopolysaccharides which do not contain fucose. The hexosamine and uronic acid values of the acid mucopolysaccharides thus obtained were estimated in normal urines during a period of 24 hours. On the basis of the normal values a pathologic excretion of acid mucopolysaccharides is demonstrated in 61% of patients suffering from mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa). The quantitative data obtained are correlated to those obtained by electrophoretic studies of acid mucopolysaccharides excreted.

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