
The aim of this study was to determine the extent of change in platelet and coagulation markers in the acute phase of ischemic stroke and to assess the utility of marker measurement in stroke subtype classification. Urinary 11-dehydro-thromboxane B 2 (11-dTXB2), a marker of in vivo platelet activation, and markers of coagulation activation, including prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT), and fibrinogen, were measured in 25 patients with ischemic stroke within 24 h of onset of symptoms. Marker levels in patients with ischemic stroke were compared with those in 19 age-matched controls who had not taken aspirin for at least 2 weeks before sampling and 25 healthy controls. Median marker levels were significantly increased in stroke over those in age-matched controls for fibrinogen (344 vs. 289 mg/dl; P=0.030), F1+2 (1.40 vs. 0.80 nmol/l; P=0.003), and TAT (6.65 vs. 2.20 μg/l; P<0.0001). Median marker levels for seven patients with cardioembolic stroke and 18 with non-cardioembolic stroke were not significantly different for any marker test. Eight patients taking aspirin at the time of the stroke had significantly lower 11-dTXB2 values than patients not taking aspirin (964 vs. 4,314 pg/mg of creatinine; P=0.007). Stroke patients not taking aspirin had significantly higher 11-dTXB2 concentration than age-matched controls (4,314 vs. 1,788 pg/mg of creatinine; P=0.006). Coagulation and platelet activation markers are increased in the acute phase of stroke regardless of the clinical mechanism. This finding suggests that the markers may not be useful for predicting clinical subtype of ischemic stroke in the acute phase.

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