
The Twenty-Fourth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union defined the main directions for the training of specialists in higher and secondary specialized schools. The resolution of the Congress on the Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU states: "In the realm of higher and secondary specialized education there must be more extensive training of cadres in the new and promising directions of science and technology; young specialists must be better equipped with modern knowledge, with the habits of organizational and sociopolitical work, and with the ability to apply the knowledge obtained in practice" (Materials of the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the CPSU [Materialy XXIV s'ezda KPSS], Moscow, Political Literature Publishing House, 1971, p. 206). The Ninth Five-Year Plan (1971-75) calls for the training of nine million specialists with higher and secondary education, for the more extensive development of scientific research in the higher school, and for the comprehensive strengthening of the ties of secondary specialized educational institutions with production and life.

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