
The purpose of the study was to find out the meaning of his father for women born less than 6 months after the marriage contract from a pregnant marriage perspective ofIslamic law and to find out the determination of the marriage guardian for women born less than 6 months after the marriage contract from a pregnant marriage Islamic law perspective. From the results of the study, the relationship between his father and daughter born less than 6 months according to Islamic law is that the child is an illegitimate child and cannot be taboo with his biological father due to a period of birth with at least 6 (six) months of marriage . This happened the ijma of Islamic law experts as the shortest period of a pregnancy, and also all the schools of jurisprudence both Sunni and Syiah agreed that the minimum pregnancy limit was 6 (six) months because at least pregnant women were for six months. and if the child is considered as a legitimate child, then the daughter's nasab remains with her biological father and the marriage guardian's determination for girls born less than 6 months according to Islamic law, if the daughter is an illegitimate child then her guardian's determination is to use the guardian of the judge to marry him
 Keywords: Determination of Marriage Guardian, Pregnant Marriage Perspective of Islamic Law

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