
Abstract. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still a public health problem that is difficult to deal with inTasikmalaya City, West Java Province. In 2019, the region experienced very significant cases increase leadingto an Outbreak. Various attempts have been made without optimal results. DHF control program managersexpressed the urgent need for strong policies, but no empirical studies have been carried out. It is importantto analyze evidence as justification for urgency and impetus in the policy agenda. This policy research withnaturalistic qualitative research with Analysis for Policy approach aims to explore evidence on the urgency ofDHF control regional regulations at policy stakeholders’ aspect. The results of this study revealed the evidenceof DHF Control Regional Regulation’s establishment urgency. Those are increasing community endangeringsituation of DHF cases; the urgent need of policies for program managers; and the corroborating evidence, asthe results of stakeholder analysis, in the form of majority stakeholder are the main policy stakeholder whohave the power and strong interest in supporting the policies’ urgency. The urgency level of DHF controlRegional Regulation based on this research has reached an emergency level, so there should be efforts toestablish DHF control Regional Regulation in Tasikmalaya City.Keywords: Stakeholders, Policy Urgencies, Regional Regulations, DHF

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