
To report a novel maneuver of end-to-side urethro-urethrostomy for managing Type IIA1 urethral duplication (UD). A 3-years-old boy was referred to our institute for abnormal appearance of genitalia. Physical examination revealed an epispadiac meatus on the dorsum of the penile shaft, in addition to the orthotopic meatus at the tip of glans. He can void through both urethrae with continence (grade I). Voiding cystourethrography and the cystoscopy confirmed the Type IIA1 UD with two urethrae arising independently from the bladder neck. A novel maneuver of end-to-side urethro-urethrostomy transferring the dorsal urethra through the corpus cavernosa and anastomosing it to the posterior wall of the ventral urethra was successfully performed. The urethral catheter was removed 2 weeks postoperatively. Neither urethral stricture nor fistula was noticed. After 1 year of followed-up, the boy can void fluently with continence (grade I). The Qmax was 10.4ml/s. Our maneuver of end-to-side urethro-urethrostomy for managing Type IIA1 UD was safe and effective, especially for the continent cases with the ectopic meatus on the penile shaft.

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